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"Success is no accident.

Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success"

~ Colin Powell ~

"The SMILE System will change the way

you see your life, bringing peace, joy

and fulfilment

to every aspect."


I found The SMILE System very interesting and clever as I like how each letter relates to something that can make you smile and generally feel happier. It allows you to reflect on your feelings and gives you a chance to express thoughts whilst learning techniques that will help you throughout life.


Lisa Mervis, Life Coach, South Africa

I believe that The SMILE System™ is a gift to the world. After having learned and applied The SMILE System in depth, on a personal level and with clients in my practice, I feel that due to its many layers, it is appropriate and gettable for anyone, at any stage of personal growth."

Lisa M, Life & Consciousness Coach

There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter everything is within everything exists seek nothing outside yourself.

~ Miyamoto Musashi ~

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"When Ronit speaks, although you are in a room filled with lots of people you feel as if she is speaking just to you!

Can’t wait for her next talk as I will definitely be attending!!"


Idit G, Business Owner


The SMILE System has helped me enormously in changing the way I aspire to live my life. It has given me the confidence, empowerment and inspiration to face life's challenges. It has taught me how to overcome obstacles in a productive way and to let go of the negative emotions that can hold me back, thereby opening myself up to positivity and to appreciating new opportunities that may come my way.   Having been mentored by Ronit whilst learning The SMILE System, I would highly recommend it to everyone as it has shown me how to find inner happiness and contentment within myself, rather than relying on other people to make me happy, and to be able to see situations from other perspectives.  It has taught me to realise that challenges can be beneficial and it's all about mastering your mind-set in how you react and respond to various situations.

Belinda J, Teacher

“Your circumstances and situations never keep you down. The only things that keep you down and keep you stuck are your thoughts.” 

~ John Kehoe ~

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"Having been mentored by Ronit whilst learning The SMILE System, I would highly recommend it to everyone as it has shown me how to find inner happiness and contentment within myself, rather than relying on other people to make me happy, and to be able to see situations from other perspectives."   


Belinda J, School Teacher

Want to share your story?

We'd love to hear from you

Your success story can inspire greatness and show that obstacles may be overcome.


If you'd like to share the story of your journey working with me, I'd be very happy to hear from you.

*By submitting your story, you give me permission to publish it on this website, in our newsletter and in associated blogs.

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Thank you! Working with you is just what I was looking for! It made me realise how much I was holding myself back and enabled me to create a plan to reach my goals. I have had so much success in all areas of my life.

Sari J, Jewellery Designer

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